Sarah Kades will be interviewed by #CBC 99.1’s Chris dela Torre! When? TODAY!!! (Monday) at 4:20pm About? ARWA’s August 9th #Writing Sexual Tension #Workshop ( to be held at #Calgary’s #WhenWordsCollide Conference Check it out! (And, register for the workshop soon- time is running out!!!)
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the ‘Work Party’ for WWC this evening. Lots of great conversation while we made goodies for ARWA’s table at When Words Collide. Please swing by our table when you’re at the conference in August. And if you haven’t signed up for Sarah and Lorraine’s workshop, there’s still time.…
What is one of the best things about reading a great book with a couple? The sexual tension, of course! It is that one thing that keeps me turning pages, anxious to see that first touch, to enjoy that first kiss, to experience that longing through the characters’ thoughts and feelings… *sigh* So, how does…
From Diana: I’m currently in the UK at the Romantic Novelists’ Association Conference and having a great time. Learning lots which I will share with ARWA members at our Thursday August meeting. The opening session celebrated RNA members who had been published in the past year. I took note of the markets they sold to,…
All sessions are for members only and are held At St Mark’s Lodge. Saturday, July 13th. No meeting. Out Stampeding – Come Hell and High Water! Thursday, July 25th. When Words Collide Work Party Saturday, August 10th. No meeting. See you all at When Words Collide! Thursday, August 22nd. When Words Collide debriefing and end…
At last night’s AGM, the membership elected a new board. President: Diana Scott Vice-President: Mahrie Glab Secretary: Deb Smith Treasurer: Bernadine Visotto Non-elected positions: Newsletter Editor: Darlene Maynard Membership Chair: Grace Panko Directors-at-Large: Virginia Janes Randi-Lee Ryder Victoria Smith There will be some more appointments in the upcoming days, so please watch-this-space.
Because of the current state of emergency in Calgary, the board will make a final decision whether or not to hold our AGM (scheduled for this Thursday) on Wednesday evening. Please check your e-mail on Wednesday evening for confirmation. Hope everyone is safe, well and dry. If any members need assistance, please contact Diana on…
Last day of what has been a great retreat. Here’s a recap from Lori. Being a writer is sometimes like being a sailor in charge of your own craft. It’s exciting, dangerous and exactly what you want to do. But sometimes there’s that great big ocean and no one to talk to about your exciting,…
ARWA Retreat – Day 2 by Victoria Smith From Didsbury to Edmonton to Lethbridge and flooded Calgary, ten ARWA members managed to meet this afternoon thanks to modern technology. Skype, we thank you. There was definitely heated debate and discussion. We looked at the relationship between music and writing. How does music inspire a scene…
Despite the flooding here in Calgary, nine of us managed to get together for the first day or our retreat – five in person and four later on in the evening via Skype. Our discussion brought up a few interesting topics. 1) Should we dumb down our writing – especially vocabulary – for our readers?…