(Open to ARWA members only.)

A quick reminder about our first ‘proper’ meeting of the 2013/14 session.

VISIONING AND PLANNING DAY: Saturday, September 14th, 10.30am at St Marks.

Come out and let us know what you think! We’ll be gathering ideas and input from members to help guide future programming and directions for ARWA! It’ll be a fun day with plenty of great discussions and sharing. Hope to see you there! (Day will be chaired by Lorraine Paton.)

Please note our later start time of 10.30am. This is to allow for out of town board members to attend the 9.30am board meeting – which is open to ALL members if you’d like to come along and join us.

Also, for new members, you might want to pack a lunch. There is a 7-11 close by for sandwiches and snacks, but St Mark’s kitchen has a fridge, microwave and stove if you want to reheat food.

Looking forward to seeing you all!