A meeting reminder for our first Saturday workshop of the new session. It will be held on January 11th, at 10.30am at St Mark’s and is open to members only. Please bring your own lunch – we have a stove and microwave if you need to reheat food. There is also a 7/11 close by if you want to buy a sandwich. Looking forward to seeing you.
with Mahrie G Reid aka Mahrie Glab
Not just another 3 trick (act) pony.
Whether you use a GPS (pansters) or a road map (planners), getting from story idea to finished book requires process. Multi-published writers have developed processes to support their craft and all of them do some planning (cerebral or otherwise) before they write the whole book. Come and share your idea collection and planning processes and investigate new ones to assist you in become an even more focused and effective novelist. Workshop includes a discussion on story versus plot, concepts for each and examples of both paper and computer planning tools.