ARWA is delighted to introduce both members who will be participating in this year’s When Words Collide conference in Calgary August 8-10th, 2014 and also other ARWA sponsored panels.

Members activities include sitting on panels, offering workshops and reading at the ARWA Social, held in the Yorkshire 1 room at the Carriage House Inn, on Friday evening, 8-11pm.

You must be registered with the conference to attend workshops, but the social is open to members of the public. Please join us and check out our group and the programs we offer to aspiring and published authors.



 Elisa O'Day

“It’s never easy allowing your creative work to be dissected. I’ve always equated it with stripping your skin off in public, but it must be done. Over the course of my fledging writing career, I’ve allowed this phenomenon happen to me time and again because it allows me to grow. I’ve been using beta readers before I knew that I was using friends and family as test subject. And, with three years of creative writing classes at the University of Calgary under my belt, as well as a creative writing thesis completed, I’ve learned how to cope with any criticism thrown at me.” Elisa



Kate Larking

“I have been writing for almost twenty years and I never stop learning and growing. My first book is called NOVEL MARKETING, available today! I’ve never been more exhilarated in my life to have a book available.

At When Words Collide, I will not only be on the Beta Readers panel, but I will also be hosting a Novel Marketing presentation in the very first time-slot on Friday! I love marketing almost as much as writing so I knew I needed to bring those passions together to help people understand that artistic works, like writing, can embrace marketing and be all the better for it.”

Her book, NOVEL MARKETING MAKING YOUR AUTHOR BRAND WORK FOR YOU & YOUR BOOKS, is available today on KoboKindle, and Smashwords!

Novel Marketing



Diheadshot - Version 3
“It seems that once a decade I come upon a concept that makes me look at writing in a whole different light. In the 90s it was Michael Hauge’s take on Three-Act Structure. In the ‘noughts’ – the Importance of Theme. And in 2014…I found a feminine alternative to The Hero’s Journey that I’m excited to share.” Diana

You can also see Diana at the Friday morning ARWA Pre-Festival workshop where she will be talking about theme and at Friday ARWA social when she will read from her book IN MY FATHER’S FOOTSTEPS.

In May 1940, Jack Cranstoun, a young soldier in the defeated British Expeditionary Force, was plucked to safety from the bloodied beaches of Dunkirk. Sixty-nine years later, Diana Crantoun returned to Dunkirk in search of her father’s past, determined that somewhere along that beach their footsteps would cross.