Audiobook Tour

You’ve heard of blog tours, of course. Well, there’s an exciting new kind of tour coming to the book blog world this fall: an AudioBook Blog Tour that will give listeners (and readers) a chance to experience all 48 chapters of the (audio)book several weeks before its Christmas 2017 release. Billed an “erotic tragedy with a happy ending” (the author insists that’s not an oxymoron), CONSEQUENCES (of defensive adultery) is written by  M. Jane Colette, performed by Elisa Kae, produced by Norwegian Blue Records, and published by GENRES were made to be BROKEN.

The tour is rolling out across 48 different blogs between September 25 and November 22. At each participating blog, romance readers and listeners will have the opportunity to listen to a chapter of CONSEQUENCES–experiencing all 48 unabridged chapters of the novel if they complete the full tour. Each blog will also host a link to a text version of the chapter it’s hosting, for the non-listeners in the crowd who prefer to experience their books visually and silently.

Each tour stop also offers opportunities to WIN FABULOUS PRIZES, including e-books and audiobooks by M. Jane Colette and other authors. There is also a treasure hunt and 48 chances throughout the tour to enter to win one of two complete sets of M. Jane Colette’s paperbacks.

For more information, go to