Members and invited guests will be sent the Zoom link via email. Meeting begins at 7:00 PM.

Speaker: Calvin Jim
Blogs, newsletter and social media posts are examples of content writing and are a great way to get your author brand and writing noticed. Calvin Jim, lawyer-turned-author and well-known supporter of our Calgary writing community, will give you strategies to take your content writing to the next level in this must attend presentation.
Calvin Jim has been nominated multiple times for the Prix-Aurora Award, most recently as author of the short stories “Rose’s Arm,” and “Breathe,” Calvin is a Calgary lawyer-turned-writer whose Asian-inspired tales have appeared in numerous anthologies and publications. A self-proclaimed geek, he managed to wrangle his wife and two sons into board games and Karate (not necessarily in that order, and not without injury). His latest stories can be found in the anthologies Seasons Between Us (writing as C.J. Cheung), For Hart & Queen and Prairie Gothic.