For the first time since March of 2020, ARWA will be meeting in person at St. Mark’s Manor, 2612 14A Street, Calgary Alberta. It will be a hybrid meeting, with a Zoom element for our out-of-town members. Starting at 10:30 am, we will begin with a workshop.
Speaker: Wendy Griffiths
WENDY SAYS – Nonfiction is one of the only things I know of that is defined by what it is not, rather than what it is. This workshop will attempt to define what it is rather than what it isn’t. And will hope to encourage participants how to go about writing and selling this genre…
After the workshop, we will celebrate 35 years of ARWA with a party that will have no defined end time. It will be a catered event, courtesy of the ARWA board.
Watch for more details in an email on Friday.