ARWA Merchant Room for WWC is online.

We are fast approaching the When Words Collide online festival. ARWA has created a merchant room to fill in for there not being a physical festival this year. You can check it out at:

ARWA Merchant Room for WWC

ARWA will be setting up its own Merchant Room to sell your books through at WWC, August 14-16. In order to get your book on the page, you need to supply the following items: A jpg file of each cover of the books you want to sell. A short bio with a jpg file of…

When Words Collide – August 9-11, Calgary

Calgary’s annual literary conference starts this Friday at the Calgary Delta South Conference Centre, 135 Southland Drive SE. See our ARWA members give presentations, participate on panels and meet up with us at our table in the Merchant Room where you can get our books. See you there.

Inkubator Books

To Members of ARWA From; ARWA member Bret Cousins June 2019 I have joined an arts collective called Inkubator. Located in the old Best Buy space at Northland Village Mall, the gallery is mostly paintings by local artists, but also includes sculptures, pottery and, currently, my novels. All art in the store is for sale…

Book Launch – Screw Chocolate by M.J. Colette

Hate Valentine’s Day? Come join M. Jane Colette and the YYC Queer Writers as they launch their new collaborative project, Screw Chocolate—a collection of queer valentines to help you through February 14: Monday, February 12 7 – 8:30 pm Owl’s Nest Books 815a 49 Ave SW Roses, cupid’s arrows, chocolate—chocolate? Screw chocolate! Queer up Valentine’s…

New novel by ARWA writer Suzanne Stengl

Book 9 in the 12-book Thurston Hotel series of sweet-to-warm romances, connected by common settings, characters and events. ( It’s set in fictional Harmony, Alberta – which is just outside the gates of Banff National Park. Find it here at