Saturday Workshop – January 9th

January 9th, 2016 at 10:30 am at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Story, a deeper understanding of the process with Robert McKee’s STORY with Catherine Saykaly-Stevens Join us this chilly January for highlights and key points from Robert McKee’s world-famous, 3-Day STORY Seminar: substance, structure, style, and the principles of story. This is an interactive workshop that…

Get in on Connections October!

Attention ARWA members! If you have an article or book launch you would like included in the Connections Newsletter, the deadline for content to be included in the second issue of fall is coming up on October 1st! Have you launched a book or published a short story? Or did you write a great writing article…

Registration is open!

You can now register for your 2013-14 ARWA membership! Yay! For more information on the benefits and privileges of the various types of membership, please visit our MEMBERSHIP page. There are 2 ways to register: 1. PayPal Use the links on the membership page: HERE 2. Mail in your registration (Click on the following link…