Thursday Meeting – November 26th

November 26th, 2015 at 7:00 pm at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Kick-Starting Your Writing with Jillian Long Are you creatively blocked? Can’t write even when you have the time? Join us for a hands-on workshop on why we get blocked and what we can do to get past it. Please bring a notebook and pen, (no…

Saturday Workshop – November 14th

November 14th, 2015 at 10:30 am at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Novel Expansion with Sarah Kades Ever wanted to expand an existing story or series and you’re not sure where to start? Sarah Kades takes you on her adventure finding those story threads to weave additional scenes and subplots to help you rock a longer story,…

Thursday Meeting – October 22

October 22nd, 2015 at 7:00 pm at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Transitioning from Traditional to Self-publishing with C. J. Carmichael The business of book publishing has changed dramatically in the past ten years. C.J. Carmichael talks about her experiences as an Indie publisher and also shares information she learned at the recent Novelist Inc. conference in…

Saturday Workshop – October 10th

October 10th, 2015 at 10:30 am at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Yin and Yang of Storytelling with Mahrie G. Reid Your story, from romance to mystery to Fantasy, needs opposing elements to create pacing and tension. Join us for a look at four opposing pairs of content and how to generate what you need to make…

Thursday Meeting – Welcome Back to ARWA

September 24th, 2015 at 7:00 pm at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Welcome Back to ARWA – Post-summer Mixer This month’s Thursday meeting is a chance for us to reconnect, meet new members, and refocus our writing goals for the 2015/16 membership year. This is your opportunity to share the elements of writing and publishing…

Thank you, Jack Giesen!

A great big thank you for Jack Giesen from Red Marker Media for helping us out with social media and setting us up for success. If any members want to get in touch with Jack, you can reach her at Twitter!

September Saturday Meeting – September 12

September 12th, 2015 at 10:30 am at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Social Media for Authors with Jack Giesen Social media can be a powerful tool for today’s authors and writers. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn can help you connect with loyal fans, potential readers, and even agents and publishers. In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn…

Renew your Membership

Get a head start on fall by renewing your membership today! Visit the Membership page for details. If you are a new member, you can join before our first meeting in fall as well! Follow the link, join us, and then check out our fall programming planned thus far!

Thursday Meeting – Annual General Meeting

June 15th, 2015 at 7:00 pm at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Annual General Meeting All members are welcome to join us for the Annual General Meeting this Thursday, June 25, 2015. We will recap the year, thank the departing board, vote in the new board, approve policy updates, and have a great time!  

Thank you, Donna/Roxy!

Informative and fun… the workshop at ARWA today was both. Donna Tunney, who writes as Roxy Boroughs, presented tips and tools to use in presenting and marketing YOU–not your books. And rewarded our thinking and particiaption with laughter. (She received a standing ovation – but that’s another story.) Thanks Donna.