Saturday Workshop – June 13th

June 13th, 2015 at 10:30 am at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Marketing Yourself with Donna Tunney Presenting yourself in public can be intimidating, especially if you spend most of your time sitting in front of a computer in your PJs, creating imaginary worlds and characters. More and more, writers are expected to promote their work, and…

Thank you, Angela!

Thank you to Angela Ackerman for you fantastic presentation last night on character flaws. I know I took away some killer ideas for my own characters and the applause suggested others did as well.

Thursday Meeting – May 28th

May 28th, 2015 at 7:00 pm at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Character Flaws with Angela Ackerman Angela discusses the importance of hobbling a protagonist with flaws to establish believability, create friction opportunities with other characters, and of course, to sabotage the hero’s greatest strengths, making it difficult for him to achieve his goals and emerge whole…

Special Opportunity at Saturday June 13th Workshop!

On Saturday June 13th, ARWA is hosting a workshop focusing on Marketing Yourself. As part of that workshop, we are delighted to tell you that we are bringing in photographer Alana Wilner ( ) who will take head shots for those members who wish them. Photos will cost $50 and must be paid for…

Thank you, Victoria!

Thank you so much to Victoria Smith for her fantastic presentation yesterday on writing synopses and blurbs. I know I learned something about my characters as I went through just the exercises. And the afternoon session, we all commiserated about the need for chocolate when dealing with rejection.

Saturday Workshop – May 9th

May 9th, 2015 at 10:30 am at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Synopsis Writing and How to Deal with Rejection with Victoria Smith Join Victoria Smith for a hands-on workshop to help you get over your fear of writing a synopsis. We’ll discuss the difference between a synopsis, a blurb and a proposal, as well…

Thank you, Suzy!

Gigantic thank you to Suzy Vadori for her talk and workshop on YA! Between the writing tips, written excerpts, and writing prompts, we all left knowing more than when we started.

Thursday Meeting – April 23rd

April 23rd, 2015 at 7:00 pm at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Writing for Young Adults (YA) With Suzy Vadori How does writing for young people differ from other genres? Is YA a genre in itself? YA Writer Suzy Vadori brings you into the world of young adult novels – one of the most popular…

Thank you, Jessica!

Thank you Jessica L Jackson for presenting over the weekend! I’m sure there were many thoughts on how to twist up the tried and true aspects of romance to fit modern storytelling.

Saturday Workshop – April 11th

April 11th, 2015 at 10:30 am at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Not Your Grandma’s Romance Novel With Jessica Jackson The romance novel has come a long, long way in the last fifty years. My grandmother wouldn’t recognize it. Or would she? Join us for a workshop that will examine how the romance novel has,…