Thank you so much, Lorraine, for your presentation on strategic self-publishing. Presenting to a full house of authors can be pretty intimidating! We all ended up with a lot of think about and how we wanted to approach self-publishing–if that fit our goals.
March 26th, 2015 at 7:00 pm at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Strategic Self-Publishing With Lorraine Paton In this era of publishing, it is easy to write a book and self-publish it–perhaps too easy, because self-publishing isn’t just about writing. By self-publishing, you are going into business, so it is good to have a plan!…
Thank you so much Jessica Corra for your fabulous presentation on Editing is Re-Vision. I know everybody’s minds are still spinning, excited to get cracking on our books and make them work.
March 14th, 2015 at 10:30 am at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. Editing is Re-Vision With Jessica Corra We’ll look at common tools for editing at the macro level of the novel and how to utilize them with intentionality, based on the analogy of the potter or sculptor, from scenes to theme. This will not…
Thank you to Grace Panko for her talk on How to Critique and Provide Feedback on Thursday evening! Lots of great information! Thank you also to Sherile Reilly and Jillian Long for their superb readings of submitted slush pile pages. And finally, thank you to everyone who bravely submitted to the slush pile and received…
February 26th, 2015 at 7pm at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. How to Critique With Grace Panko, Jillian Long, and Sherile Reilly This two-part workshop will focus on the art of providing feedback. First, Grace will give a presentation on the most effective ways to offer feedback. Next, everyone will get to practice their new…
Thank you to the Society of Tilt and Lance Calvary for their amazing presentation on Medieval jousting! We learned a lot about armor and amour! A special thank you to Diana Cranstoun and Sherile Reilly for creating those truly challenging quizzes, and to Grace Panko for making sure our newly published authors got ‘pinned’ on…
February 14th, 2015 at 10:30 am at St Mark’s Lodge. Members only. It’s Valentine’s Day! Mark your calendars for our full, fun day of entertainment for the annual Valentine’s social! Morning Costumed members of the Society of Tilt and Lance Cavalry will offer us a presentation on everything you might want to know on medieval…
Attention ARWA members! If you have an article or book launch you would like included in the Connections Newsletter, the deadline for content to be included in the second issue of winter is coming up on February 1st! Have you launched a book or published a short story? Or did you write a great…
A huge thank you to June Baxter for her presentation on Finding Your Voice. The breadth of the information presented meant everyone left with some nugget of information, even if we were still debating on what writing voice really was! Thanks so much, June, for the thoughtful and insightful–and hilarious–presentation.