Many thanks to Carol Mulholland for a great workshop this evening. More than a few members left at the end of the meeting fired up to write a screenplay. And for those of us who would rather stick to prose, Carol gave us great advice for other ways we can get our stories on the…
Meeting Reminder. Thursday, March 27th. 7.30pm. St Marks. (Members only.) Screenwriting with Carol Mulholland. This workshop will cover the process of movie making and how the script and screenwriter fit into that process. Also where production companies get their material and how writers can be part of the process without being screenwriters. Carol Mulholland wrote…
A huge thank-you to Jessica for her great workshop on World-Building on Saturday. Whether the world of your story is local, contemporary, foreign, historical or even out of this world, Jessica showed us ways in which to bring it to life. Thanks again, Jessica.
Saturday, March 8th, 10.30am, St Mark’s. (Members only.) WORLD BUILDING with Jessica L. Jackson Every time you sit down at your computer or at your notebook to write, you are entering a different world. A world of your own creation. A world where you write the rules. Join us for a discussion of World Building…
Shout out to Virginia Janes for a great workshop on Creating Trust Between Your Hero and Heroine. Lots of ‘a-ha’ moments, but the one that made the most impact for me: Look at trust in your current ms. At what point do hero and heroine gain trust. Is that trust then tested within the ms?…
Thursday, February 27th. 7pm St. Mark’s Manor (members only) CREATING TRUST BETWEEN HERO AND HEROINE Virginia Janes will explain just how important trust is in building the relationship between your characters.
Mahrie’s book launch for Sheldon Harris Came Home Dead is happening NOW! Come on over to Facebook/Searching For Series and help us celebrate. Visit, read about the story and please, LIKE the page. Learn more about Mahrie at Congratulations, Mahrie! May this be the first of many!
Many thanks for Tammy-Lyn Carbol for a great workshop today. Lots of great information and lots to think about!
Saturday workshop. February 8th. 10.30am. St Mark’s. (Members only.) Building That Climax Well Before The Climax! How do you get steaming anticipation running through your reader’s mind so they want to read more? Come to our Valentine Social where Tammy Lyn Carbol will help you understand that Sexual Tension is not sex. As it’s our…
Thursday, January 23rd. 7pm. St Mark’s. Members only. FIFTY SHADES OF HOT Join Justyn Perry, publisher of Breathless Press, for a discussion on the popular genre of erotica. How hot is hot? What are the different sub-genres? What is – and isn’t – acceptable in today’s market?