Author Readings

Come down to The Owl’s Nest on Thursday evening and hear ARWA authors Lorraine Paton and Sarah Kades read excerpts from their latest books!

Thank you, Victoria.

Thanks to Victoria for a great workshop on Creating Conflict on Thursday evening. You gave us a lot to think about!

Conflict and Suspense

Meeting Reminder: Thursday November 28th, 7pm at St Marks. (Members only.) Join our Thursday night session on Conflict and Suspense, presented by Victoria Smith. Based on the book of the same name by James Scott Bell, Victoria will discuss what makes a reader turn pages versus the dreaded ‘putting the book down moment’. She’ll also…

ARWA Self-Publishing Venture

A huge shout out to Jessica L. Jackson for talking us through ARWA’s proposed Self-Publishing Venture at yesterday’s meeting. She did a fabulous job and we all came away from the workshop inspired and excited about the upcoming opportunities. For those who weren’t able to make the meeting, we will be sending around information with…

Want to Self-Publish?

WANT TO SELF PUBLISH? There’s more than one way; Self-Publishing, Indie Publishing, Group or Coalition Publishing. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN AND WHAT IS THE BEST OPTION FOR YOU? Come along to St Mark’s, this Saturday, November 9th at 10.30am and help us design a publishing model for ARWA members. Looking forward to seeing our…

Meeting Reminder – Thursday October 24th, 7pm, St Marks

BUILDING A CHARACTER Before you can develop a character for your novel, you have to build the character. What’s the difference, you ask? Come to Thursday’s meeting and Grace will explains. This meeting is for members only – but the good news is that membership can be bought at the door! Looking forward to seeing…

Thank You!

A belated (blame it on my Thanksgiving turkey brain) but heartfelt THANK YOU to June and Deb for their fabulous editing workshop on Saturday. Also, it was great to see so many members turn out, especially on a holiday weekend. What editors and readers are looking for, and what we as writers strive to produce,…

Saturday, October 12th. Cooking the Books!

Join June Baxter and Deb Smith on Saturday, October 12th, 10.30am at St Mark’s for a great workshop on editing your work. (Members only.) Cooking the Books Come take a look at your story. Have you added the right ingredients? Could that scene use some extra seasoning, or your sentences a dash of spice? Bring…