Thursday meeting.

A fantastic presentation from Detective Sweet last night, focusing on the professional and personal life of an undercover cop. Lovely to see so many members at the meeting – especially new members. Welcome!

The Life of an Undercover Cop

A quick reminder for the first workshop of our new season on Thursday, September 26th at 7pm at St Marks. (Members only.) Detective Dave Sweet of the Calgary Police Service will be discussing The Life of an Undercover Cop. If you’re writing suspense/thrillers/mysteries – or just interested in the life of a big city undercover…

Visioning Day

Our Visioning Day on Saturday September 14th was a great success. Lead by Lorraine Paton it was a wonderful opportunity for all of us to consider our own personal writing goals along with how we see ARWA moving forward into the future. An official announcement will be made in the next few weeks, but here’s…

ARWA Visioning Day

(Open to ARWA members only.) A quick reminder about our first ‘proper’ meeting of the 2013/14 session. VISIONING AND PLANNING DAY: Saturday, September 14th, 10.30am at St Marks. Come out and let us know what you think! We’ll be gathering ideas and input from members to help guide future programming and directions for ARWA! It’ll…

Interesting website

A great meeting last night with lots of feedback on 2013’s When Words Collide Conference. FYI, if you sign up now for next year, the price is only $45. Nice to see so many new members at the meeting. Welcome, Ladies! Lovely to have you on board. I was browsing through ARWA member Lorraine Paton’s…

Meeting Reminder

Thursday, August 22nd, 7-9pm (or thereabouts) St Mark’s Manor (members only) Quick reminder for Thursday’s End of Summer meeting. We’ll be sharing what we learned at When Words Collide, and Diana will provide feedback on the Romantic Novelists’ Association Annual Conference in the UK. Oh… and there’ll probably be chocolate and cookies too! Looking forward…

When Words Collide – Reflections On A Great Weekend.

I must be getting older than I think – I came back from When Words Collide completely energized on the one hand, and totally exhausted on the other. So much information to absorb and reflect upon. It was a great conference for ARWA and I have to give thanks to so many people for making…

When Words Collide

Just heading into Day 2 of the When Words Collide Conference here in Calgary and getting jazzed! Day 1, Lorraine and Sarah held an excellent three-hour workshop on Creating Sexual Tension To Heighten Your Readers’ Experience which was very well received by everyone attending. Lots of great information which Lorraine and Sarah presented in an…

When Words Collide

Only two more ‘sleeps’ until Sarah and Lorraine’s workshop on Sexual Tension at When Words Collide. If you haven’t had a chance to sign up, there will be walk-in tickets available on the day. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Sarah Kades’ CBC Interview

Great interview, Sarah! If you didn’t get a chance to hear it interview ‘live’, click on the link below.