Programme Survey

Calling all ARWA members! A programming survey should have landed in your Inbox. Please take a moment to fill it in. It’s fun, easy and totally confidential. Tell us what kinds of programmes you would like to see in the 2013-2014 season.

Mahrie’s workshop

Mahrie gave a great workshop last night. Lots of useful and practical help and advice on plotting/writing problems. The one particular phrase that I think we are all going to take away from the workshop? Reticular activating gate! Thanks again, Mahrie!

March 28th – Thursday Workshop

Thursday, March 28th, 7-9pm St Mark’s Lodge – members only The 7th Solution Workshop with Mahrie Glab Do you have a stuck plot, a lack-luster character, a so-what ending, not enough or too much action, or do you fear that the whole thing stinks? Need solutions? Bring you stickiest story issue and join Mahrie Glab…

Saturday Workshop

Thanks to Mahrie and Sarah for a great workshop on Saturday. Lots of useful and thoughtful information to digest. The most important aspect of the writing process that they discussed? Don’t listen to people who say there is only one ‘correct’ way to write. There are no rules. When it comes to the writing process,…

Saturday Workshop

Don’t forget the workshop tomorrow. What Is Your Writing Style? Plotters, Pantsers and Quilters with Mahrie and Sarah. Bring your own lunch and see you there!

Saturday, March 9th Workshop

What Is Your Writing Process? with Sarah Kades and Marie Glab Join us for a morning of exploration and discussion on Plotters, Pantsers and Quilters. Understand and Celebrate your style! In the afternoon Mahrie will share The 8 Elements – A helpful plotting tool for all styles. Sarah will take us through TOCs – An…

W. Brett Wilson

Great workshop from W. Brett Wilson last night. Lots of information. Lots to think about. Can’t wait to read his book.

Defining and Strategizing for Success

Thursday, February 28th, 7-9pm. St Mark’s. (Members only.) W. Brett Wilson, entrepreneur, philanthropist, Dragon and author will discuss his unique approach to defining success and suggest business strategies we can adopt in our writing careers. Brett will have copies of his book Redefining Success available to members who wish to purchase a copy for $16.…

Saturday February 9th – Valentine’s Social

Valentine’s Social and Pot Luck Lunch Saturday, February 9th 2013 10am-3pm St Mark’s Lodge (Members only) All About You – A Writer’s Spa Join us for a day to think about your personal and writing goals and how to achieve them. Things to bring along: 1) A copy of your absolute favourite book of fiction.…

Dead Men Talk Two Workshop

Detective Dave Sweet, a homicide detective with the Calgary Police Service, returned to give us another great workshop last night. Not only did he provide us with practical information on how a murder is investigated, but also great insights into the professional and personal challenges of the job. The time flew by and the session…