Thursday, January 24th, 7-9pm at St Marks. (Members only.) DEAD MEN TALK TWO – with Detective Dave Sweet of the Calgary Police Service. Detective Dave Sweet was one of our most popular speakers last session, and is back to give us further insights into the life of a Homicide Detective. This is one workshop you…
Many thanks to Lorraine for a wonderful workshop yesterday. She gave us a lot of information in a very logical, thoughtful manner, so we never felt overwhelmed. Apart from the practical, technical information, I also felt Lorraine gave us two really great insights. 1) You don’t have to do everything at once. Dip your toe…
Just a reminder for Lorraine’s workshop on Saturday, January 12th at St Mark’s. Members only, 10am until 2pm-ish. I’ve heard Lorraine talk on this subject before – this is a workshop you do NOT want to miss. PROMOTION: IT’S NOT A FOUR LETTER WORD. Published and unpublished writers alike can benefit from a basic understanding…
Congratulations to Jessica Jackson. The second book in her time travel series – Her Place In Time – was published on January 1st, and is available on Kindle through
Wishing you all health, happiness and good fortune in 2013.
Check out our first Saturday workshop of the new year, presented by Lorraine Paton. Saturday, January 12th, 2013. 10am at St Mark’s. (Members only) Promotion: It’s not a four letter word. Published and unpublished writers alike can benefit from a basic understanding of online opportunities and how to start building their author platform. We’ll look…
Jessica L. Jackson has two books out this month – When I First Met You and Timeless Knights. Both are available on Kindle. Check out her website for more info.
Now that I’ve figured out the ins-and-outs of google calendar, please click on our Events page to check out the upcoming programming for our Winter/Spring session. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
If you’re interested in participating in ARWA’s Winter Challenge, please contact Diana on her hotmail account asap so we can set up the critique groups. Happy Writing!
We’re currently finalizing the programme for the Winter/Spring 2013 session, but here’s a peek at what is in store in January. All programmes are for members only. Saturday, January 12th: Donna Tunney will lead us through the process of formatting your manuscript ready to self-publish on Amazon. This is a hands-on workshop, so bring along…