Better late than never?

It’s been a while, I know, fortunately Jude remembered this blog existed and emailed a contribution. Sorry for the lateness, Jude. Her entire email is below (copy and pasted because I’m lazy – although I’ll take credit for the italics). Please note Ray Bradbury didn’t die today it’s just been a long time since I checked the email.…

Some Stuff You Probably Need to Know

Two posts in less than 3 months, whaaaaaat?! **** Sexual Tension (is sexy and tense): Last month Sarah gave a presentation on creating, and maintaining, sexual tension between your characters. She was awesome and posted a summary for those of us who couldn’t make it to that meeting. Click on the link below to check out…

Why? Because I said so, dammit!

If you struggle with creating believable characters or wrestle with authorial plot manipulation than you should have been at the last meeting. If not, well congrats – you’re awesome, but for the rest of us it was chock full o’ handy info on developing believable, realistic characters who will drive your plot. Jude Wilner not only let…

I Guess It’s January or Something.

I sometimes lose track. Whatever. Christmas, New Year’s, and my birthday (34 and still getting ID’d) have all come and gone and now I’m out of legitimate excuses for delaying the launch of this blog. So, TADA! Here it is… Today was the first meeting of the new year. Diana Scott led the rest of the…